All Souls Day

The day after All Saints Day we remember those who have died. There will be a special Requiem Eucharist at the Parish Church on Thursday 2nd November at 10am when we will be remembering those who have died by name. If you would like a departed loved one to be remembered at that service please at their name to the list in church or contact Fr Rex. A warm welcome is extended to all!

All Saints Day

All Saints Day falls on 1st November and is a major feast day in the Church year. There will be a celebration of the Eucharist at the Parish Church at 10.30am that day. A warm welcome is extended to all!

Harvest 2023

We will be giving thanks for the Harvest on Sunday 8th October with a special service at 9.30am to which everyone is welcome!

As usual we will be accepting gifts for the Food Bank (based at the United Church in Rhyl).
Following the success of last year’s Harvest Lunch, we will be holding another one at approximately 1pm on the same day. Tickets cost £15 and bookings can be made by contacting Esther: or tel: 01745539993 or 07954033192