
The Elwy Mission has a ‘team’ taking part in this over the weekend 18th to 20th June. Duncan and Janet Cameron are doing a 26 mile cycle ride; Rex and Alison Matthias are completing 26 miles with a mixture of cycling, walking and swimming. If you would like to sponsor them you can either complete the Sponsor Form to be found in both the Cathedral and Parish Church or via the JustGiving page:

Ethan was a young man from St Asaph, tragically killed in a collision on the A55 last September. His funeral took place at the Cathedral. All proceeds from the Move a Marathon are going to the Welsh Air Ambulance and Young Minds charities. Thank you!


Corpus Christi

The Thanksgiving for the Holy Eucharist and the Lord’s gift to us of himself falls on the Thursday after Trinity Sunday which is 3rd June. We will celebrate the feast with a celebration of the Eucharist at the Parish Church at 10am on that day. All welcome!

Sunday 30th May 2021 – Trinity Sunday

The Parish Church is open for public worship but those attending must book in with Fr Rex beforehand or Tel: 07393639813

The Cathedral service will be live-streamed and can be accessed via the Cathedral website:

Here is the Sunday Sheet which contains Sunday’s readings and the notices for the coming week. Please click on the link:

Yr B 30.5.2021 Trinity Sunday Parish Church

Ascension Day

Ascension Day fall this week. It is one of the major feasts of the Church Year but perhaps a bit neglected by the fact that it falls on a weekday. Worship in the Mission Area is as follows:

10am Holy Eucharist at the Parish Church

7pm Choral Eucharist at the Cathedral (This service will also be live-streamed via the Cathedral Website:

Here is the Readings Sheet for Ascension Day:

Weekday 13.5.2021

Christian Aid

Christian Aid week begins on Sunday 9th May. To mark the week there will be a special celebration of the Eucharist from the Cathedral via Zoom on Wednesday 12th May at 10.30am which can be accessed via the Cathedral Website:

You can donate to Christian Aid via the St Asaph Christian Aid Just Giving page which can be accessed via the Cathedral website (see above) or on the Christian Aid Website:

Please give as generously as you can

Day of Reflection Tuesday 23rd March 2021

We are inviting you to take part in a National Day of Reflection to mark the first anniversary of the COVID lockdown on March 23.
We are being asked to keep a minute’s silence on midday to remember those who have died and to show support for those who have been bereaved.
The day is being spearheaded by leading end of life charity Marie Curie and is supported by the Church in Wales, alongside a host of organisations, MPs, and celebrities who are backing the day.
Churches are being invited to toll a single bell, where possible, at 12.01, after the minute’s silence. They can also join other significant buildings by lighting up in yellow in the evening, if they can.
Marie Curie estimates that more than three million people have been bereaved since the pandemic began, yet many have been unable to properly say goodbye to loved ones or grieve.
The National Day of Reflection will give the nation and communities a moment to remember, grieve and celebrate everyone who has died and show support for our families, friends and colleagues who are grieving.
People are encouraged to remember loved ones through prayer, by lighting a candle, planting flowers or sharing their experience of grief and loss on social media.
They are also invited to connect with those who are grieving by praying with them, having a chat, sending a card, a message or flowers.
Marie Curie is hosting a series of online talks and conversations about grief that people can join, as well as a virtual choir.
The Cathedral will be open on 23rd March for people to reflect and pray.
The Parish Church bell will be rung at 12.01pm and in the evening will be lit up in yellow.

The link below includes a prayer to be used on the day.

Prayers for Nat Day of Refl 23.3.2021

Christianity Explored

A 7- week course looking at the basics of the Christian Faith will begin on Tuesday 02nd February at 7.30pm on Zoom. If you would like further information or would like to register for the course, please contact Fr Rex by email:

We realise that evenings don’t suit everyone; if this is you, please let us know so that we can plan future courses.