Supporting Us

Joining in

You are most welcome to join in any of the activities described on our website – coming to a service, joining the churchyard work parties, helping with Messy Church or anything else that catches your eye. Just come along – we’ll give you a warm welcome.


With the re-ordering of the church under way, we would value any input, comments or observations that you may wish to make. The easiest way to do that is to fill in a form by the re-ordering notice board in the church, or to speak to one of the churchwardens.

Supporting the church

Volunteering to help with activities is always appreciated. Financial support is also crucial – the work of the parish church is funded almost wholly by donations from the congregation. Should you wish to make a donation, please use one of the giving envelopes at the back of the church, making sure to fill in the Gift Aid declaration to allow the church to claim back Gift Aid. Or you can visit our Donation page – see the Home page