Christmas Services are as follows:
Christmas Eve: 4pm Christingle & Crib Service
Christmas Day: 9.30am Christmas Morning Eucharist
A warm welcome to all!
O Come, let us adore him
Christmas Services are as follows:
Christmas Eve: 4pm Christingle & Crib Service
Christmas Day: 9.30am Christmas Morning Eucharist
A warm welcome to all!
O Come, let us adore him
O Come, let us adore him – a Bible Study for Advent produced by the Church in Wales.
Click on the link below for details:
O Come let us adore him Poster
Welcome to Messy Church Holiday Club Summer 2024
Click on the link below for details:
There is to be a Coffee Morning at the Parish Church on Saturday 6th July starting at 10am.
Coffee, delicious cakes etc
All welcome !
Next Sunday there is to be a service of prayer for healing which will include the Church’s ministry of healing: the Laying on of Hands and Anointing with Oil. There will also be other prayer stations for contemplation. This is a lovely service and a good preparation for our commemoration of Holy Week and Celebration of Easter. The service is Sunday 17th March at 6.30pm at the Parish Church.
A concert of Festive Music with the Choir of St Asaph Cathedral on Friday 15th December at 7pm. Admission £10 Children Free
Click on link below for Poster
A warm welcome is extended to all to celebrate Christmas with us. Click on the link below for a leaflet giving all the details.
The Civic Remembrance Service will take place at the Cathedral on Sunday 12th November at 10am followed by the laying of wreaths at the City War Memorial
A Requiem Eucharist will be held at the Cathedral on that day at 3.30pm when we will remember by name those who have died in the last year and had their funerals at the Cathedral or Parish Church. The Cathedral Choir will be singing Faure’s Requiem.
A warm welcome is extended to all to both services
The day after All Saints Day we remember those who have died. There will be a special Requiem Eucharist at the Parish Church on Thursday 2nd November at 10am when we will be remembering those who have died by name. If you would like a departed loved one to be remembered at that service please at their name to the list in church or contact Fr Rex. A warm welcome is extended to all!
All Saints Day falls on 1st November and is a major feast day in the Church year. There will be a celebration of the Eucharist at the Parish Church at 10.30am that day. A warm welcome is extended to all!