Supporting YOUR Parish Church
Gift Direct is the best and easiest way to support your Church
Please use this link to Register: Gift Direct
The code that identifies the Parish Church is A702P.
The reasons for encouraging a move to Gift Direct over using Standing Orders are:
- It removes a huge administrative burden from our churches of having to claim gift aid. It is getting harder to find people willing to take on the task of Gift Aid Secretary.
- It improves cash flow to the church, making receipts more frequent and reliable. In most churches, the gift aid from Standing Orders is claimed annually, and sometimes not for several years. Using Gift Direct the gift aid is claimed on every eligible gift each month. This means that in addition to the gift, the treasurer knows that the tax will be received and can plan accordingly.
- Gift Direct offers the opportunity for the donor to choose to raise their gift in line with the RPI each year. This keeps the gift up to date and means that the donor’s original intention continues. Many Gift Aid Secretaries report that Standing Orders that were set up to reflect a generous gift have not altered for many years, effectively reducing the size of the gift year on year.
- Even without choosing the RPI increase option, the annual summary of giving from the Gift Direct team encourages people to faithfully consider their gift, and to choose to increase or decrease it as their circumstances allow.
- Although many Standing Orders are generous, our data shows that people who give by Gift Direct tend to give at a higher rate. The average gift from a Standing Order is £20 per month. Those signing up to Gift Direct average £50 per month. We believe that this is not because the users of Gift Direct are more generous, but because they have had the opportunity to prayerfully consider their gift before signing up to the scheme.
Thank you for your continuing support.
Giving to the church
The day to day activities of St Asaph Parish Church are funded by regular giving from church members. This covers the costs of running the church (electricity, heating, lighting and repairs), paying the clergy, and providing the resources used in services. Examples of community focussed church activities include providing pastoral care within the community; bereavement support; work for people living with dementia; support for children and their parents or carers through Messy Church and Holiday Clubs; working together with our local schools, and local authorities.
However, many other projects within the church are funded separately through grants, bequests, donations and fund-raising events. One such project is the current and major internal renovation of the church which aims to modernise it and thus enable the church building to continue in its primary role as the Parish Church, whilst increasing and improving its facilities to accommodate the many needs of the locality; creating a central hub for the community it serves.
We would like to increase the events and services available to our community in St Asaph, but money is finite and increasing fuel costs affect us all. This is why any gift that you may feel able to give will be put to good use and will make a difference.
There are Different ways to give:
You can give to the collection plate during Sunday services. This is the traditional way to give to the church, but it has its limitations. To reclaim Gift Aid, you would need to fill in your details on an envelope every week.
You can set up a standing order to the church. This is helpful to the church in two ways. Firstly it allows the church to have a regular income whether you attend church that week or not. Secondly it allows regular collection of Gift Aid if you are eligible, which increases the amount you are giving by 25% through reclaiming tax. If you would like to give by standing order, you can download the standing order form and send it to the treasurer, whose details are on the form. Standing Order Form
You can give a one-off donation to the church as a cheque. This should be sent to The St Asaph Parish Church Treasurer, c/o The Diocesan Office, High Street, St Asaph LL17 0RD. The cheque should be made payable to St Asaph Parish Church.
You can give online by clicking Single Donations or Regular Donations under Ways of Giving (see below). If you have a preference for how your money should be used, please make it clear in the Details section on the donate page that you will be guided to by stating “Reordering” (renovation or adaption of the church) or “General church funds”.
You can give by leaving a legacy in your will. Once you have made provision for your loved ones, you may have the opportunity to leave a legacy to the church. Leaving a gift in your will to the church is one of the most valuable and lasting ways to support the work of the church. You can discuss this with your family and solicitor when drawing up your will. Information leaflets are available from the Diocesan Offices or in the leaflet stands in the church.
Giving your time.
If you are unable to give financially, but can give your time and help with church activities, such as maintenance, cleaning, helping with the groups such as Messy Church or the Forget-Me-Not events, or fundraising events, then please contact one of the churchwardens (see Who Are We page), who will put you in touch with the relevant person. Time is one of the greatest resources!
Other Ways of Giving:
We are registered recipients with Stewardship, who have set up a support fund for our ministry. You can support us by making gifts to Stewardship for our fund. Where applicable, the value of your gifts may be increased by use of Gift Aid (worth 25% if you are a UK taxpayer).