
Prayer and worship is at the heart of Church Life. There is a Prayer Group which meets in the Parish Church each Thursday at 10.45am.

We have a Prayer Circle which commits to praying for the needs of our church, Mission Area and our City. A monthly email is sent out with subjects for prayer.


Every human being was created in order to have a relationship with God. People of all faiths seek this relationship. In prayer, we can:

  • open our hearts and lives to God;
  • thank God for the blessings we receive each day, including the relationship God gives us with himself;
  • confess the wrong things we have done and, knowing God’s forgiveness, reject evil and turn back to him;
  • wait upon God, seeking to know and do his will;
  • share our worries, hopes and fears with God, asking him to help us.

How do we pray?

There is no exam to pass in order to be able to pray – anyone can do it. It’s important to remember, though, that different individuals pray in different ways, and that any one person is likely to pray in different ways in varying circumstances and at different stages of life. For Christians, the one acid test of prayer is that it should affect for good the sort of people we are and the sort of things we do and say.

Christians believe that God never leaves us or ignores us. We can therefore pray in the confidence that God really does want us to be in a conscious relationship with him.

Want to start praying?

There are many ways to pray, and no one way is correct for all. The two golden rules are:

  • to pray as you can and not as you can’t, and
  • to pray every day

When praying about life’s problems and challenges, some people will simply say what is on their mind (God’s love is so great that our angers and fears can be heard as well as our praise, thanks and requests) and ask for God’s presence and guidance. Others prefer to use prayers that have been written by others and used by the Church through the ages. Yet others find themselves drawn to more meditative or contemplative ways of prayer.

In the Gospels, Jesus’ followers ask him to teach them how to pray. In reply, he gives them the prayer we now know as The Lord’s Prayer:

Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread,
forgive us our sins
as we forgive those
who sin against us.
Save us from the time of trial
and deliver us from evil.

For the kingdom, the power
and the glory are yours,
now and for ever. Amen.

We can pray anywhere and at ant time. However, if you want a quiet place to pray and/or light a candle, the Parish Church is open every day.